Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How To Spot FSGS Symptoms

FSGS symptoms,otherwise known as Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, can be recognized by lay persons who are alert and aware of the possible signs. Since FSGS is often a gradual loss of ability to remove fluids and wastes over years, it can be a great help to spot the symptoms early. Getting treatment can slow total renal failure, and further get you on the list for organ transplants earlier.
1.Get a yearly physical done with blood work.
If your physician does a thorough job of analyzing you during a physical, initial stages of FSGS can show up in blood work. It will not be conclusive, but will lead to other tests which will confirm or disconfirm the diagnosis.
2.Watch for signs of anemia.
Fatigue, paleness of skin color, shortness of breath in exercise, or other signs of anemia may be FSGS. Symptoms such as these could be related to other conditions, but should be tested to discover the cause.FSGS leaves waste in the blood and makes the production of red blood cells more difficult, thereby reducing oxygen carrying capability.
3.Watch for changes in urine.
If your urine becomes frothier than normal, darkens considerably, or becomes considerably lighter than normal it may be a sign of a problem with your kidneys. A more troubling symptom is the urge to urinate without an ability to do so.
4.Take note of swelling.
Since the FSGS is an inability to remove fluids from the body it may cause swelling in the ankles, hands or other extremities. Report any unexplained swelling to your physician as it may or may not be a sign of FSGS.
5.Pay attention to itching skin.
If FSGS symptoms go unnoticed eventually waste build up in your arteries and veins will cause your skin to itch and become irritated. See a physician if you have consistently itching skin.
In addition to the above suggestions,there are also many other of how to spot FSGS symptoms.If you have interest,please contact us as soon as possible, we will try our best to help you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Foods That Decrease Creatinine Levels In FSGS

According to a FSGS experts, creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which is an important part of muscle. Creatinine level in your blood is an important indicator which shows how your kidney is functioning. High creatinine level can be caused by such factors as kidney diseases, too high intake of proteins, dehydration, using muscle-building dietary supplement creatine, over-exercising. This article will help you to learn more about foods that decrease creatinine levels in FSGS.
More insight on the level of creatinine in your blood
The normal level of creatinine for adults is 0.5-1.2. If your level of creatinine is much higher than normal, you should see your doctor, as it is a sign that your kidney doesn't work properly and its function is lost. A healthy diet can help to lower the levels of creatinine. You should eat low-protein, low-creatine foods, and to avoid salt. There are foods that you should eat more often!
1. Garlic and onion
Garlic and onion can spice up your dishes and help to get rid of high creatinine levels! Some studies have shown that garlic can protect kidneys from free radical-mediated damage.Onion, for instance, contains PGA prostaglandin – a natural leptuntic, which has an effect on lowering high blood pressure. According to health portal “High blood pressure is a big risk that can accelerate the rate of patients' condition progressing kidney failure. In view of this, onion is good for people with kidney disease especially high creatinine level.”
2. Soy products
Add tofu and soy milk to your diet. These foods will help to decrease the levels of creatinine.Some studies have shown that soy foods can help to treat kidney disease. Soybeans have a low glycemic index and that makes them healthy for those who suffer from diabetes. While you should focus on eating low-protein foods, soy products are perfect for you.
3. Foods rich in omega-3 acids
You should eat more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to decrease the levels of creatinine, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, walnuts, wild rice. Eat these good fats twice a week!
4. Cucumbers
Another healthy choice for your diet is eating cucumbers! They are delicious, low-calorie and powerful antioxidants. Moreover, cucumbers are rich in Vitamin C , Vitamin A, potassium, folate, magnesium, silica. They are known as natural kidney-cleansers. According to a news portal Vanguard: “This is because they help to wash the kidneys and bladder of debris and stones. Several studies have shown that eating cucumbers regularly helps to regulate uric acid in the body.”
5. Liquids
The last but not the least tip to get rid of high creatinine is to drink a lot of liquids daily. Keep yourself hydrated throughout a day, as creatine levels can be decreased by urination. Drink water and green tea, avoid soda and soft drinks.
6. Leafy greens, especially cabbage and lettuce
Eat more leafy greens and specifically cabbage and lettuce, as they will help to decrease the levels of creatinine in your blood. Moreover, leafy greens will prevent the formation of kidney stones.
7. Carrots
Eat more carrots. They are healthy vegetables for those that have kidney disease and heart problems. Carrot is nutritious and rich in various vitamins and minerals, like calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and more. This magic veggie can help to treat kidney infections and protect kidney functions.
Foods to avoid
There are some foods and drinks you should avoid if you suffer from high level of creatinine:
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks. Replace them with water, fresh fruit juice or herbal teas. You might want to try dandelion tea, salvia tea or ginseng tea.
Avoid sugary foods
Avoid salty foods
Reduce the intake of these foods: red meats, white bread, white flour, dairy products.Ideally, you should avoid them.
Reduce the intake of legumes
Avoid processed and junk foods, reduce the intake of sodium. Sodium can promote water retention in your body. So, stay away from all the packaged foods.
Although a healthy diet is very important, the best treatment for FSGS is to find a natural therapy, like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Any questions, please contact us as soon as possible. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

How To Prevent CKD

With the acceleration of people’s lives and changes in food culture, the morbidity of CKD rises year by year in the world. So it is necessary for us to know about CKD. So, how to prevent CKD? Next, the preventive measures are as following.
1. Preventing colds
The number of the new patients with CKD will increase and their illness condition will aggravate during the cold weather or temperature changes obviously of season. So we should pay attention to increase clothes to maintain warmth when the weather changes, in order to avoid respiratory infections.
2. Treating tonsillitis timely
The tonsillitis caused by streptococcus infection can lead to CKD through immune regulation disorder, so the patients with tonsillitis need to take antibacterial agents when it relapses. If patients with tonsillitis relapse frequently, they need to do surgery as soon as possible.
3. Controlling diabetes and high blood pressure
Both diabetes and high blood pressure are harmful to kidney, which can lead to CKD, to the contrary, CKD also can aggravate the illness condition of diabetes and high blood pressure. Thus, the patients with diabetes or high blood pressure need to control the illness condition and at any time to observe whether there is renal damage or not.
4. Do not abuse drugs
Some medicines are toxic to the kidney, so we should take medicine under the doctors’ guidance.
5. Reasonable diet
We should maintain low-salt and light-diet. Drinking water properly is beneficial to the metabolite excretion of our bodies. While engorgement can increase the burden of our kidneys and frequent engorgement can damage our kidneys.
6. Do not suppress the urine
If the urine is in bladder for a long time, the bacterial of urine can infect kidney through bladder and ureter infection.
7. Staying away from the heavy metals and poison
The heavy metals such as lead, chrome, mercury, the organic solvent such as benzene, toluene, phenol, and biotoxin such as venom, gallbladder, toadstools, all of them can damage kidney seriously. So it is necessary for us to avoid contacting these substances. But if you have to touch these substances because of work, you must take effective measures.
8. Loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea without obvious reason.
As long as you have one or more of the above feelings, please go to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Now, you should have a understanding about how to prevent CKD. As long as you pay close attention to the details of your life, we believe CKD will keep away from you forever.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Medical Treatments For CKD

In western countries, it is very common that treating CKD uses medicines, dialysis and kidney transplant. However, all of them have side effect to patients. Now, except these western therapies, traditional Chinese medicine therapy is also one of the medical treatments for CKD.
Traditional Chinese medicine therapy includes cycle therapy, hot compress therapy, foot bath therapy, full bath therapy, enema therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, moxibustion therapy. Each of them has its own advantage and all of the medicines are from the nature. The aim of traditional Chinese medicine therapy is to break through difficulties in treating CKD and get some new effect. Next, let us explain one of the therapies-foot bath therapy.
Foot bath therapy means that the patients with CKD just need to have a foot bath in a tub filled with Chinese medicine. Because foot has many acupoints, the active ingredients of medicine can act on some acupoints of kidney channel, which can recover primordial qi of kidney channel by eliminating the toxic substances from kidney meridian and making the healthy qi get in kidney constantly. The medicine ingredients mainly can warm meridians and expel cold as well as make the blood smooth. If you have other symptoms, you need to add some other Chinese medicines. For example, if you feel hot, you can use some medicines to clear heat and cool blood; if you often lose sleep, you can use some Chinese medicines to relieve uneasiness of mind and calm the nerves.
In general, two thousand milliliters of the liquid medicine is proper, and the temperature of it is no more than forty degrees. The lasting time of foot bath is forty minutes. It is more effective to use a foot tub with massage or massage acupuncture points through yourself.
The short-term effects of it include that pain relieves, sleep improves, appetite increases, the body sweats more, hands and feet become warm, the edema reduces, the foot skin becomes red and fine, itching gets relief and so on.
But there are three announcements.
1. The patients need to pay attention to the temperature of liquid medicine in order to avoid scald.
2. The pregnancy is contraindicated.
3. This patients with allergic skin and sensitive physique is contraindicated.
Through the above explanation, you must think foot bath therapy is convenient. Yes, it also gets effective treatment through clinical practice. Other traditional Chinese medicine therapies are safe and effective too.
Now, you should understand medical treatments for CKD better. If you are interested in traditional Chinese medicine therapies, you can get free help from online doctors or contact us by leaving message below.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Should Patients With IgA Kidney Disease Follow A Special Diet

What is the best specifial diet for IgA kidney disease patients? 
A healthy diet can slow down the progression of IgA Nephropathy and decrease the damage to their renal function. Therefore, it is very important for he patients with IgA Nephropathy to follow a special diet under their doctors’ guidance.
1. Being a vegetarian
A vegetarian diet is advocated to the patients with IgA Nephropathy. Especially for those with moderate to heavy proteinuria should strictly limit the intake of meat and milk products for there are many chemicals in meat and mike products that can aggravate the inflammatory process taking in the kidneys. In order to keep enough nutrient supplements, the patients with IgA Nephropathy should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain, fish and so on. Moreover, the patients should mainly deprive protein from vegetables. Some researches prove that vegetable protein rich in “good” fatty acids, which can prevent the inflammatory reaction in kidneys.
2. Keep a low-salt diet
For some patients with IgA Nephropathy, their kidneys lose their function of regulation of water and electrolyte balance thus causing retention sodium and water. If too much fluid builds in body, it can strain hearts and lungs. Therefore, the patients with IgA Nephropathy should keep a low-salt diet to minimize the stress to the kidneys and avoid fluid retention, especially for those with edema or high blood pressure. Even if they do not showing those signs, a low-sodium diet is also an good idea for them. The patients should keep  their salt intake within 1 gram per or more lenient (2 grams per day). Moreover, the patients should avoid eating the foods containing high salt.
However, a healthy diet is just an assistant therapy for the patients with IgA Nephropathy. What the patients should primarily do is to receive early treatment in time so as to avoid Renal Failure.Any questions about this topic should patients with IgA kidney disease follow a special diet, please contact us freely.  

Kidney Failure Symptoms

Experts say that kidney failure indicates that the patients are in the late stage of renal insufficiency. If it can’t get controlled and treated timely, it will develop into uremia. So it is very necessary for the patient to know about the kidney failure symptoms. To be specific, kidney failure in the early stage may have the following symptoms.
1. Anemia. When the kidney function decreases, the kidney can’t produce enough erythropoietin, which will cause anemia. The patient with anemia usually feel cold and fatigue.
2. Discomfort. Because the waste and toxin accumulate in our body, we may feel uncomfortable, such as vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, itching and tired.
3. Edema. Some patients can have edema, especially in hand, foot and ankle.
4. Other symptoms. The patients with kidney failure also have the symptoms, such as hematuria, high blood pressure, bubbles in urine, extreme thirst, insomnia, sleepiness, decreased libido and so on.
If you have one or more of the above symptoms, please go to hospital to receive a comprehensive inspection or consult our online doctors in order to determine that whether you are kidney failure or not. Next, let us know about the kidney failure symptoms in late stage.
1. Digestive system: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, oral malodor, gastrointestinal bleeding.
2. Skin: dry, desquamative, dull, itching and so on.
3. Metabolic disorders: water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders can lead to edema, dehydration and tetany.
4. Hematopoietic system: serious anemia, each organ may have bleeding tendency.
5. Breathing system: the patients may have serious oral malodor and metabolic acidosis breathing.
6. Nervous system: dispirited, dizzy, headache, memory loss, insomnia, dysuria and so on.
7. Skeletal system: renal osteopathy may occur, such as joint pain.
Though the symptoms of kidney failure in late stage are very serious, you need not to worry. Positive and optimistic attitude is good to slow down the progression of your illness condition.
Whichever stage you are in, the timely treatment is necessary. The earlier treatment you get, the better effect you will obtain. Best wishes to you!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How Can I Eat, if I Have Nephrotic Syndrome

In our daily ife, diet becomes more and more important for humans, and above all, it is so vital to nephrotic syndrome patients.
How Can I Eat, if I Have nephrotic syndrome? Many patients may ask, the experts in shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital tell you how to eat.A low-antigen diet, which consists of restricting dietary gluten and avoiding meats and dairy products, has been recommended to decrease mucosal antigen exposure but has not been shown to preserve renal function.
Low-protein diets have been recommended to slow the rate of progression of many nephropathies. No large trial explicitly addresses the role of low-protein diets in slowing the decline in renal function innephrotic syndrome. The MDRD Study Group trial is the largest trial of low-protein diets to date, but it included patients with a variety of renal diseases. This trial was unable to determine whether a low-protein diet was beneficial. Although the meta-analysis of studies of low-protein diets suggests some benefits, the effects are subtle and difficult to apply to a given patient.
If the above information can not help you, you can consult our online experts , they will be glad to help you.
Do you have any question? You can leave a message , Or you Could describe your symptoms to our expert. Our experts will reply you as soon as possible. Please make sure you have left your contact information to us. Keep in mind we are here for you all the time. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

High Potassium Levels And Elevated BUN And Creatinine In Nephrotic Syndrome

BUN and creatinine, both are the important indicators of nephrotic syndrome to reflect how well the kidney function works. 
Your kidneys help maintain normal blood concentration by removing wastes, excess fluid and electrolytes such as potassium. Potassium, blood urea nitrogen, or BUN, and creatinine blood tests can monitor kidney function in Nephrotic Syndrome patients diagnosed with kidney disease. High potassium levels in the blood, elevated BUN and elevated creatinine in Nephrotic Syndrome are all indicators of some degree of kidney dysfunction.
Your muscles use a compound called creatine in order to contract. Every time your muscles contract, creatine is broken down and a waste product called creatinine is produced. This creatinine enters your blood and travels to your kidneys, where almost all of it is removed by your kidneys. A normal blood creatinine level falls between 0.8 to 1.4 mg/dL. Elevated levels of creatinine in the blood in nephrotic syndrome indicate that the kidneys are not functioning normally.
When you eat protein, your body breaks it down into its building blocks, which are called amino acids. When protein is broken down, a waste product called nitrogen is produced in the liver. This nitrogen combines with other molecules to create another waste product called urea. Urea then enters the bloodstream where the kidneys remove it from the body through your urine. A healthy individual has very small amounts of urea in the blood. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, they do not remove urea, and levels accumulate in the blood. A blood urea nitrogen, or BUN, test measures the amount of urea in your blood. A healthy BUN usually falls between 7 and 20 mg/dL. If your BUN level exceeds 20 mg/dL, it can indicate kidney disease.
The most common cause of high potassium in the blood, or hyperkalemia in nephrotic syndrome, is kidney disease, according to Most of the potassium in your body is found inside of your cells, although a small amount circulates throughout your body in your blood. A healthy blood potassium level falls between 3.6 and 4.8 mEq/L. Normally, your kidneys maintain tight control of the level of potassium in your blood by filtering excess potassium from the blood when needed. When your kidneys are not working properly, they do not remove potassium from the blood efficiently, causing levels to increase above 4.8 mEq/L.
Although potassium, BUN and creatinine tests can determine if your kidneys are not functioning normally, they cannot isolate the cause of the kidney dysfunction. Abnormal values can occur as a result of acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure, glomerulonephritis and urinary tract obstruction. If your lab values come back abnormal, your doctor may recommend further testing to isolate the cause of your kidney disease.
Any follow up questions about high potassium levels and elevated BUN and creatinine in nephrotic syndrome , feel free to contact us immediately, our experts will reply you within 24 hours. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ideal Food for IgA Nephritis Patient Whose Creatinine Level is 5.0

What is the ideal food for nephritis patient whose creatinine level is 5.0? 
I was diagnosed with the kidney disease "IgA Nephritis" in October, 2009 and my creatinine levels were increasing from 1.1 to 1.2 to 1.3 and so forth. Now, it is 5.0. I want to know which food is ideal for my condition.
Many IgA Nephritis patients with elevated creatinine levels consult us that how to arrange a scientific diet, so the following are some useful suggestions for you.
1. Potassium intake: High potassium levels cause nerves to fire erratically, which in turn cause arrhythmias and tachycardia. You should control high potassium levels by avoiding high potassium foods such as broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, acorn squash and oranges, etc. you can substitute lower potassium foods including peppers, mushrooms, onions, white rice and pasta, etc.
2. Sodium salt intake: Low-salt food should be taken, which is beneficial for patients with high blood pressure and edema. In general, the suitable intake per day should be less than 2g. Preserved food is forbidden. Meanwhile, take less MSG and eatable alkali.
3. Phosphorus intake: Since the kidneys are unable to regulate phosphorus content in the blood, you may suffer from uncontrollable itching and renal osteodystrophy due to elevated phosphorus levels. High phosphorus foods such as milk and milk products, chocolate, beer, organ meats, dried beans and other legumes should be avoided.
Beside, you should limit intake of food with rich fat and cholesterol, like animal giblets, fat meat, some seafood and so on. For those with massive loss of protein in urine, some microelement and hormone which is combines with protein get lost, too, causing the lack of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, etc. So you should supply appropriate microelement by taking rich vitamin and microelement foods like vegetable, fruit, grains, seafood, etc.
Actually, individual dietary recommendations should be based upon your specific illness condition. You can consult the doctor or our online experts for personalized advice. It should also be noted that keep a diet principle is important, but take the correct and systematic treatment for IgA Nephritis is more important than that.
At present, Hot Compress Therapy is the most advanced medical technology in treating IgA Nephritis and other kidney diseases. Many patients from different countries have been treated successfully in our hospital. Here are our online experts, and you can consult them for more detailed information or you can also send an email to immediately, we are glad to help you. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Is Chicken Meat Suitable For IgA Nephropathy (Berger's Disease)

Each of us love to eat chicken meat,of course, including IgA Nephropathy patients, and there are thousands of mouth-watering recipes for this meat that is high in protein content. But for people with IgA Nephropathy (Berger′s disease), they often wonder that whether chicken meat is good for them. Read on and try to find an answer to this doubt.
In the first place, we need to know the diet principles for IgA Nephropathy (Berger′s disease) so that we can make proper choice of foods. According to nephrologists, IgA Nephropathy patients should arrange a reasonable diet which is low-protein, low-salt (<2~3g/d or even less), low-potassium, low-phosphorus and high-vitamins, etc.
Actually, chicken meat is a good source of protein. White chicken parts such as the wings and breast, have the most protein. One 3 oz. serving of chicken contains 21g of protein. Then should they avoid chicken meat? The answer is ′NO′.
It is true that patients with IgA Nephropathy should limit the protein intake, but here protein refers to low-quality protein (such as soy bean and bean products). In their daily life, they also need to supplement high quality protein. The protein contained in chicken meat belongs to high-quality protein, so chicken is pretty good for patients with IgA kidney disease. Moreover, chicken can improve immunity, which is closely related to much taurine that it contains. Other nutrition facts of chicken meat are as follows.
Vitamins.Chicken meat contains B-complex vitamins: B-3, B-6 and B-12. These vitamins are all necessary for proper functioning of the human body.
Minerals.Chicken meat contains useful minerals for health and development, such as Zinc, Iron, etc. Zinc is a necessity for immune system functioning and wound healing. Iron is needed to help hemoglobin and myoglobin carry oxygen all over the body.
Fats. Chicken meat can be a healthy addition to your diet plan if you cook it without saturated or trans fats. Instead of adding breading and frying it, you can choose to grill, roast, sear or broil your chicken.
Even though chicken meat can be ate by IgA Nephropathy patients, not all recipes are suitable for you. With an improper cooking method, you disease may even get worse. You can consult our online doctor for a specific recipe of chicken meat or send an email to for free help, we will always here for you. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How To Avoid Elevated Creatine Levels In IgA Nephropathy

Creatine is an organic compound that works to release stores of energy to muscle tissue within your body. Creatinine is the final breakdown product of this energy production catalyst. Creatinine is not absorbed by the body and normally is removed from your system through your kidneys.
Elevated levels may be a sign of damaged muscles releasing their contents into the bloodstream or of diseased kidneys being unable to filter wastes.
1. Monitor your fluid intake, but do not panic. Drink one glass of water between each meal, and avoid excessive consumption. The recommended daily water intake is 1.6 liters for women and 3.2 liters for active men, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture calculations.
Drinking too much water leads to hyponatremia, an ailment in which blood is diluted because your kidneys cannot remove extra water from the body. The kidneys work by removing wastes such as urea from the bloodstream prior to mixing these contents with water. Urea is a byproduct of protein synthesis within the liver.
2. Do not over exert yourself during gym workouts. High creatine or creatinine readings are sometimes an indicator of vigorous exercise. Learn to differentiate between healthy fitness and overzealous training, which leads to injury and pain.
3. Improve cardiovascular health through diet and exercise. High creatine levels associated with either kidney or smooth muscle damage may be a function of irregular blood flow to vital organs. Avoid foods high in sugar and saturated fats that translate into excess weight and artery plaque. Moderate protein intake because kidneys must work harder to excrete nitrogen wastes from unused proteins. Monitor red meat consumption especially because it is a source high in creatine, fat and protein.
4.Schedule an appointment with your physician to perform blood work and check your creatine levels. Alert your doctor to any family medical history related to muscle degeneration, heart failure or kidney disease. The doctor will help you to review and interpret the laboratory results.
5. Revisit the doctor for further testing and diagnoses. High creatine levels associated with kidney failure, diabetes, muscle trauma, or cardiovascular problems may require prescription medication or surgery.
Although the above suggestions play an important role in avoiding elevated creatinine levels in IgA nephropathy, but it is not usually permanently. Patients should find some natural therapies to treat IgA nephropathy from the root. If you have interest to know more, please contact us immediately. Keep in mind we are here for you all the time.