Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What You Can And Cannot Eat With IgA Nephropathy

What You Can and Cannot Eat with IgA Nephropathy?IgA nephropathy is a kidney disorder that occurs when IgA nephropathy protein that helps the body fight infection settles in the kidneys. After many years, the IgA deposits may cause the kidneys to leak blood and sometimes protein in the urine.
What You Can and Cannot Eat with IgA Nephropathy?Many people with IgA nephropathy leak blood in the urine, but this leakage does not mean they will have long-term problems. Others leak both blood and protein in the urine. If too much protein leaks into the urine, the hands and feet can swell. After 10 to 20 years with IgA nephropathy, the kidneys may show signs of damage. About 25 percent of adults with IgA nephropathy develop total kidney failure. Only 5 to 10 percent of children develop total kidney failure. Symptoms of kidney failure include swelling in the hands and feet, nausea, fatigue, headaches, and sleep problems. By the time these symptoms occur, total kidney failure is near. Total kidney failure means the kidney damage is permanent. People with kidney failure need dialysis or a kidney transplant.
What You Can and Cannot Eat with IgA Nephropathy? Diet may play a very important role in the recovery or the treatment for the IgA Nephropathy patients. So the patients or the family members should know
something about the diet for IgA Nephropathy.
1. Be a vegetarian.
2. Have high-quality-protein food like lean meat, and chicken; Egg white is also ok. Avoid beans and bean products. Limit the intake of the protein or they will burden the kidney.
3. Iga Nephropathy patients cannot eat spicy food, seafood, beef, mutton, crabs, garlic, onions, parsley, dog meat and wine, coffee, seasoning and other stimulating food and don't eat animal livers.
4. Limit your salt intake ¡ª to help manage your blood pressure. A low-salt diet can also help minimize fluid retention and swelling.
5. Limit the foods with high potassium, such as bananas, tomatoes, oranges etc.
6. Avoid cold or it will aggravate the damage of kidney.

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