Thursday, November 7, 2013

How Long Does It Take from FSGS to Kidney Failure

Do you know how long does it take from FSGS to kidney failure, the following may tell some details for you. 
FSGS is a serious kidney disorder, in which a part of glomeruli(filters) in kidneys are scarred. Some researches show that it only takes 5~10 year from FSGS to develop Kidney Failure. However, if the patients take early and proper intervention treatment along with proper health care, they will avert developing Kidney Failure.
Proteinuria and high blood pressure are two important factors in aggravating renal function deterioration. It is extremely necessary for the patients with FSGS to take medications and change diet to control these two disorders effectively.
ACEI and ARB drugs are usually prescribed to the patients. These two kinds of drugs are not only effective in lowering blood pressure, but also have certain effect in preserving the residual renal function.
Hormone shows a remarkable function in relieving protein in urine in some cases by suppressing the over-reactive immune reaction in kidney. However, it has no use in correcting the immune dysregulation and enhancing immune system.
Having a tight control of fluid and salts intake is very important in controlling blood pressure. It can reduce the blood volume so as to reduce the pressure to blood vessels.
The above measures can slow down the progression of FSGS into Kidney Failure, however, they are not capable of stopping it. Therefore, a timely and proper treatment approach should be adopted.
Immunotherapy is the sate-of-the-art therapy in treating FSGS. It is designed to treat the disease in the following ways:
It can suppress the over-reactive immune inflammatory response by using hormone and immunosuppressive drugs such as monoclonal antibody. Therefore, it can stop further damage to kidney immediately and effectively.
Immunotherapy can correct the immune dyregulation. In this way, it can prevent the triggering factors of the disease from invading into body. Thus, it can inhibit the relapse of FSGS completely.
Additionally, it can improve the renal function and boost the self-repairing of the impaired kidney cells by activating the self-curing system of the body.
A proper and effective treatment along with controlling the complications of FSGS, the patients will avert progressing into Kidney Failure.
If you have any other questions about this topic, please contact us immediately, we will try our best to help you . 

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